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Nanotechnology in Pesticide Management: A Revolutionary Approach in Plant Protection

D S Srivastava, Anand Singh, Mukesh Sehgal


Large extents of Pesticides are lost in huge quantities owing to photo degradation, rain wash out and by other means after application over the target. This will not only result in loss of pesticides form the applied target as well as environmental pollution apart from loss / reduction in effectiveness. If they are formulated using carriers, their efficacy can be sustained for longer period of time.The potential applications of “Nanotechnology” are increasingly being realized in agriculture. Nanomaterials possess unique properties such as smaller size, large surface area, higher/increased reactivity due to which they find utility for targeted, controlled, slow delivery of agrochemicals including fertilizers, micronutrients, insecticides, pesticides etc. Nanotechnology offers better-built, safer,long-lasting, cost-effective and smart products that will find wide applications in in agriculture includes nano‑fertilizers, nano-herbicides, nano-pesticides, recalcitrant contaminants from water, nano-scale carriers, nanosensors etc.Nano encapsulated pesticides have benefits and prospects, but have to address many important issues while designing the nano carriers. Keywords: nanotechnology, pest management, plant protection

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