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Health Allegation of Unnecessary Use and Misuse of Pesticides by the Rural People: The Necessity for Alertness

Mamta Singh


Pesticides are chemicals basically required for food safety and health intention, adding that most of the time; they are being mistakenly applied and mistreated mainly by the rural occupiers in developing countries. The health allegation of abuse and mishandling of pesticides were assessed and ways forward suggested. This review will provide the payback of pesticide use, knowledge of the risks caused to people, wildlife and ecosystems. The paper looks into how producers, consumers and government can reduce risks posed by pesticides. The primary responsibility of manufacturers is to decrease risks posed by pesticides. To make certain that undesirable effects on human health and the environment are prohibited, pesticide registration, product labelling, government enforcement and applicator instruction should form the foundation of a wide-ranging outline to standardize the manufacture, use and clearance of pesticides. If the varied improvement processes suggested in this review is remained to, the developing countries will be less contaminated with ecological risk. Keywords: pesticides, health, rural occupiers, developing countries, risks

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