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Review on Effect of Chemical Waste on Environment

Nagham Mahmood Aljamali, Intisar Obaid Alfatlawi, Nemah Sahib Muhammed Husien, Ahmed Adnan Abdul Hussein, Manar Ghyath Abd Almutalib Almosawy


The depression describes how to deal with chemical waste. Chemical Toxic waste is waste material that can cause death or injury to living creatures. It spreads easily and has the potential to pollute lakes and rivers. This term is often used interchangeably with "dangerous waste", or discarded material that may present long-term risks to both health and the environment. The contemporary dependence on chemicals in almost all manufacturing processes makes treating chemical waste a major priority that requires a specialized management and treatment methodology, especially in light of the national trend to take advantage of natural capabilities and expansion in the field of petrochemical industries. Waste poses a great danger to the environment, which arises from many sources that take different forms, whether liquid or solid, sludge or gases, and whose greater harm is caused when storing, transporting and treating them or causing any changes to them, including what is accumulating over water and then leaking It reaches the aquifers and reaches the living organisms by drinking them. The waste that resides in the landfill also affects the people who live next to it. They are among the most vulnerable to diseases. Keywords: chemical waste, toxic, pollution, contamination, environment, dangerous waste

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Cite this Article: Nagham Mahmood Aljamali, Intisar Obaid Alfatlawi, Nemah Sahib Mohammed Husien, Ahmed Adnan Abdul Hussein, Manar Ghyath Abd Almutalib Almosawy. Review on Effect of Chemical Waste on Environment. International Journal of Green Chemistry. 2020; 6(1): 20–29p.


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