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Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity of the fruit of Embelia Schimperi V. (family-Myrsinaceae)

Meseret Zebeaman, Rahel Gebeyehu


Soxhlet extraction at 55-60 0C (using chloroform) and rotary evaporator of coarsely crushed fruit of Embelia schimperi Vatke gives a yield of 10.67 % (w/w) crude extract. It has a color of dark orange. Phytochemicals are secondary plant metabolites thus phytochemical screening of the crude shows it contains Alkaloid and Terpenoids. The efficacy of the crude extract as an antioxidant was evaluated in vitro. The crude extract shows antioxidant inhibition (DPPH scavenging assay) by 62.4% at concentration of 800 g/ml while the standard vitamin C scored 97% of antioxidant inhibition.

Key words: Embelia schimperi, Phytochemicals, Antioxidant, DPPH.

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