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Plastics Waste Management: An Eco-friendly Way

S. Ravichandran, R.M. Madhumitha Sri, Mahrukh Mehraj, Fathima Feroz, Chundru Sowmya


The overproduction and thus consumption of these plastics have given rise to enormous waste. The world has started drowning in its own plastic waste due to the dearth of effective management practices and its use as per the linear economy model. The issue of Solid waste disposal and management is prevalent worldwide, plastic waste being a major constituent of that. The plastics waste disposal is a major global environmental problem. The lack of appropriate methods of management of the waste has created imbalance not only in the terrestrial ecosystems but aquatic ones also. One of the best ways to contribute to environmental preservation is to reduce the use of single use plastic products. While the lack of awareness about the hazardous nature of plastic and the impact of plastic on the environment seem to be disheartening. A number of individuals, NGOs and government organizations have been taking various initiatives in creating awareness about the harmful effects of Plastic. The print, television and social media have also taken proactive measures to spread awareness of plastic pollution among the public. Plastics deteriorate the environment and thus its disposal has gained critical attention. The production and consumption of plastics create risks for human health and pose multiple environmental challenges. This study aimed at understanding the plastic waste disposal along with their potential environmental implications.

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