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Ajay Agarwal, Virendra Mishra, Satnam Arora


Some hydroxamic acids eg.[L1= benzohydroxamic acids (BHA), L2= N-phenyl– benzohydroxamic acid (NPBHA), L3= pivaloyl benzohydroxamic acid (PHA) and L4=N-phenyl-pivaloyl benzohydroxamic acid (PPHA) prepared and reacted with L’=Potassium hexathiocynato chromium (III) tetra hydrate K3[Cr(SCN)6]4H2O.The mixed ligand complexes of hydroxamic acids characterized with the help of repeated melting point, by I.R. studies, magnetic moment, molar conductance and by elemental analysis(C,H and N).The stoichiometry of the complexes were found to be 1:2(M:L) molar ratio. The geometry of complexes were found to be octahedral .On the basis of these facts the structure of the metal complexes found to be K [M(L’)2(L1)2], K2[M(L’)4(L2)], K2[M(L’)4(L3)] and K[M(L’)2(L4)2]. Keywords: hydroxamic acids, mixed ligand complexes, potassium hexathiocynato chromium (III)

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