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Analysis of Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3–N) in Water of Chhattisgarh State

Rajesh Kumar Sahu, H. R. Suryawanshi


The methods used for toxic element analysis of coal and its ash have been categorized into two parts. There are certain methods which cannot be easily used for multi-elements analysis on an individual sample. Coal mine water is acidic in nature and dissolves the trace and toxic elements like Mn, Cu, Cd, Pb, and Al water from river pond and other sources have shown to be changing in quality parameters total dissolved solids, suspended solids, pH and conductivity have showed increasing trend. Mine discharged showed increasing concentration of trace and toxic elements in water discharged from mine. Pb and cd concentration in soil and water of Dipika coal are discharge have shown increasing trend. The most affected areas are the junction of river and mine water, caused by pollution due to heavy mining, and toxic elements like Cu, Pb and Cd which are found in high concentrations in soil of Dipika coal area. Cd is primary excreted through kidneys and Pb is known to have multiple hematotoxic effects. Coal dust from Dipika coal fuel is integrated to water resources it affects, the ecosystem of the water and its base.

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