Microalgae Bioremediation: Practices and Perspectives

Varsha Deshraj


Recent waste water treatment plants are extremely mechanical and costly to build and sustain. Domestic waste water treatment and remediation is an exclusive practice due to substantial time and scheduling needed for fruitful management. Maximum of the domestic waste water is considered feeble or average in strength with nitrogen levels between 20 and 40 mg/L and phosphorus levels between 4 and 8 mg/L. These concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus are unwanted as they can lead to remarkable pollution and eutrophication of downstream waterways. Waste equilibrium ponds provide a dynamic bioremediation method to clean domestic waste water and they can also produce microalgal feedstocks for the production of valuable bioproducts. Importance in the use of microalgae will continue to develop as rural cities and emerging countries look for sustainable and inexpensive methods to clean domestic wastewater.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37628/jpcip.v3i2.386


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