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Review on Harmful Effects of Light Pollution

S. Ravichandran, Raj Nandani, R.S. Madhumita Sri


For many decades we have seen increasing levels of light at night. People who are living in urban areas
are spreading out of lights at night. Rapid growth of population and urbanisation in the world has
resulted more people are now experiencing light pollution without ever realising it. Various
developmental activities and economic growth contributed to a sweeping increase in artificial light
usage, which further polluted the natural dark sky. The light pollution can be defined as the alteration
of the natural quantity of light in the night environment due to the introduction of excess of artificial
light. Light pollution comprises direct glare, chronically increased illumination and temporary,
unexpected fluctuations in lighting. Too much light pollution disrupt ecosystem and has adverse health
consequences. The main reason light pollution need to be addressed because to ensure the Earth
sustainability as a habitable planet for every creatures. Increasing evidences suggesting the adverse
impacts of light pollution are alarming, not forgetting it uncertain contributions toward climate change.
This review article describe the harmful effects of light pollution.

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