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Bioassay guided study on anthelmintic and antibiotic activity of the fruit of Embelia Schimperi V. (family-Myrsinaceae), a traditional medicinal plant from north western Ethiopia

Meseret Zebeaman, Rahel Gebeyehu


Soxhlet extraction using chloroform as a solvent and rotary evaporator of coarsely crushed fruit of Embelia schimperi Vatke a yield of 10.67 % (w/w) crude extract was obtained having a color of dark orange. The efficacy of the crude extract as an anthelmintic and antimicrobial were evaluated in vitro. The crude extract (100mg/ml) paralyzed and killed the earth worm at 20.37 and 83.02 minutes respectively. Similarly, the third fraction having bright orange crystal obtained from column chromatography separation of the crude extract paralyzed and killed the earth worm at 28 and 65 minutes with concentration of 100mg/ml while the standard drug piperazine citrate (25 mg/ml) paralyzed and killed the worm at 11.2 and 41.59 minutes respectively. At 100 mg/ml of the crude extract and its third fraction inhibited staphylococcus aures growth by inhibition zone at 8 and 6.5 mm respectively while the standard amoxicillin inhibited by 10.48 mm.

Key words: Embelia schimperi, Anthelmintic, Antimicrobial, bioassay guided fractionation,

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