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Life Below Water: Addressing Ocean Sustain Ability Using IT

Sairaj More, Satish Pandey


Modern world meets lots of disputes that include Ocean sustainability. It is become matter of big worry if oceans are not taken seriously. Ocean administration faces the challenge of sustaining a balance between marine resource use and conservation while dealing with pressing threats resulting from climate change such as sea level rise, fisheries food security, IUU fishing and ocean acidification. In this paper we have reviewed, an waste and oil collector machine is developed which can collect the wastes in the ocean. It has some sensors which detect living marine animals, detect ocean currents, etc. When the machine is full it informs the user. By using proper systems to collect the waste from the oceans, it will largely benefit the marine biology. Because water makes up twothirds of the planet's surface, oceans, seas, and coastal areas cover the great bulk of it. Since our drinking water, weather, temperature, food, and oxygen are all influenced by the sea, are a life-giving force. As a result, it is critical to safeguard the oceans through improved marine development and preservation activities.

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