Analysis of the Degradation of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in a Polluted Stagnant Salt and Fresh Water Environment
TPH dispersion in both water media was investigated using a transport model that included convective and diffusion factors. This model was used to track the TPH concentration in both vertical and horizontal dimensions. Therefore, it was expected that diffusion alone would regulate TPH transport or spreading in the x-direction, or horizontal direction, while diffusion and convection caused by gravity would control TPH transport in the vertical direction. As a result, concern was given to the speed at which the TPH caused the tank's base to descend. First order degradation rate kinetics were used to analyze the rate of TPH degradation. The model was formed with the use of Monod model and the first order degradation rate kinetics. Then the TPH which was predicted for the vertical and horinzontal directions was also simulated and comparison carried out for both the two models to axcertain the best fits. The predicted TPH values in the vertical direction were retrieved at a predetermined period and contrasted with the experimental values. This was done in order to identify the model that most closely matched the TPH levels that the experiment recorded. Since there were process constraints throughout the experiment that prevented the concentration of TPH from being calculated, the model and TPH measured from the experiment were not compared in the horizontal direction.
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