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Synthesis of Low Cost Artificial Sand From Fly ash and its Application as a Filter Material

G. Venkateshwar Reddy, Pupalwad Arti Sudam


The usage of natural river sand is increasing vastly. Geopolymers are materials with three-dimensional alumina silicate structures that have a high mechanical strength and can be used as an alternative to Portland cement. The probability of using Natural river sand can also be replaced with geopolymer synthetic sand. There are many properties which may lead the scarcity of natural riversand they are Because of landslides, tsunamis and erosion. The GPSS can be used as mixture in cement and mortar. The properties or values of GPSS shows similar to natural river sand for grain size distribution, friction angle, permeability andspecific gravity. GPSS has a pH of 11.72 and a TDS of 768 mg/L, whereas
natural river sand has a pH of 7.40 and a TDS of 452 mg/L.In comparison to NRS sand, GPSS has a higher pH value and lower TDS. Embankment dam failures is becoming a worldwide occurrence, with a devastating impact on civilian lives. Moreover, Natural, and man-made dam failures formed, are susceptible to damage unless there is adequate stability. The bulk of the seepage failures are linked to intense water seepage. The seepage failures can be examined by using terzagi theory. Examination of dam stability due to massive rains is a critical issue to examine in the area with high seepage failures. This study is aimed towards exploring the effect of geotextile and artificial sand as seepage barrier
through embankment dams. This paper aims to research on the impact of seepage failures through embankment dams by using Geo Studio 2012 application using NRS and GPSS. The major goal of this research is to raise awareness about the consequences of high seepage rates (discharge) through
embankment dams.

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