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Pollution Amid Pandemic: Effect of Lockdown on the Air Quality

Shraddha R Bhat


Air pollution has reached immense levels in many cities around the globe. It is a cause/contributor of the numerous health diseases people are experiencing now. During the COVID-19 pandemic caused lockdown, it was quite expected to see a significant decline in the concentration of the air pollutants in the atmosphere and many studies have been made regarding the same. Since air pollution increases the risk of fatality, the importance of cleaner air has become even more important for current and future times. This review studies the data provided by various studies and puts them all together to provide a larger database of the fate of the concentrations of the air pollutants during the lockdown. Out of the various air pollutants, only NO2 seemed to show a very considerable decrease in its levels. Other pollutants also showed some decrease in their levels. However, certain pollutants, like SO2, showed an increase in their levels, which can be attributed to the factors discussed in the paper.

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