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Smart Innovation for Sustainable & Green

Ashish Raj


Provide information on new technologies enhancement that are changing how societies look. To establish sustainable, green communities during or beyond the pandemic era, place an emphasis on inventive technical advancement. As we know the technology is developing day by day, every day we find a new technology in our daily life. So, in this paper we are going to present all the helpful initiative ideas which reduce the global warming. Current culture depends on human innovativeness to design method for redressing, diminishing, or discrediting the adverse consequences of creative advancements and other applied disclosures. In this sense economical improvement starts with examination and creation and advances through commercialization or different method for making a development accessible. The cycle suggests familiarity with the interrelatedness of all things instead of resolute meaning of issues; a sensible arrangement that supportability is consequently as an ideal as opposed to something that can at any point be totally accomplished. Savvy advances permit a development to be possibly more maintainable as in they can innovatively imitate normal cycles more precisely than some past approaches. The capacity to leverage three forces that can spur quicker, better effective, and durable development is known as smart sustainable innovation. As follows: Our desire to address important worldwide challenges has sparked new, large-scale innovation opportunities.

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